“The Antidote for Delay: Discipline”


Antidote (n): a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.

If we’re honest, delay can sometimes taste and feel like poison. “God, I’ve done all I can do.” “Lord, I’m tired of waiting.” “God, when will my breakthrough come?” Poison.

Poison (n): a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed.

If we’re not careful, we’ll let the delays of life poison us. Slow us down. Keep us from going after what God has called us to do. And cause us to give up. Frustration can make us move from waiting on God’s direction, and push us into a place of making decisions without His guidance. I understand and believe that “faith without works is dead.” But, what counseling are you receiving? Do you ever ask God about the next move you should make, or do you rely on your own ability? Don’t let disappointment and delay stop you from ever achieving, or receiving, what God has for you.

For every sickness, there is a possible cure. For every delay, there is an opportunity to exercise discipline.

Discipline (n): training to act in accordance with rules; an activity, exercise, or regimen that develops or improves a skill.

Many times when we think about discipline, we think about punishment. But, what if we decided to look at it as a form of “training?” If God knows what you need, when you need it, wouldn’t He train you for it? What good is it to receive something, you don’t have the discipline to keep? Many times we ask for a blessing, but God answers through opportunities of discipline – not through never ending giveaways. He cares more about our ability to maintain and prosper than He does in giving us everything we ask for. He wants us to have good things, but he’d rather teach us how to prepare for the blessing first.

Imagine if God gave you a spouse, but didn’t prepare you to be one. Imagine if God upgraded your job position four levels, but didn’t equip you with fundamental skills on how to excel in that position. God is too wise to give you something you’re not ready for. But this is also a two-way street. If another person is involved, why would God bless you with someone who’s not ready to love you properly? Delay isn’t denial, it is an opportunity to exercise discipline. God knows the end from the beginning, and He doesn’t withhold any good thing from His children.

But, what would happen if we changed how we waited? Waiting is inevitable, but choosing to be disciplined is optional. Discipline isn’t easy. It causes you to fight your flesh, and let your spirit and mind call the shots. It makes you look at the “big picture,” instead of the “right now.” It makes you choose to do the right thing, even if you’re upset with your current situation. Discipline is a skill that’s earned, not given.

Imagine how much more you would enjoy and appreciate things, if you actually worked for them. If you could choose to trade the disappointment of delay, for the strength that comes from discipline – you’ll be able to appreciate, maintain, and increase the gifts God gives.

Stop taking the poison of delay. Ask God to reveal where you need discipline. Try to find joy in your everyday moments. And as you go through this journey to your Promise Land, remember to always let God lead.


<The Runaway Bride>


“Not all who wander are lost.”